The Formtek Blog

Change in Unemployment Leads to Need for Increase in Training

Written by Kirstie Ratzer-Farley | March 23, 2018

With unemployment at a drastic low, many experts have said that our country is practically at full employment. While this seems like a great thing for the average person, it is often a bad situation for employers looking to hire new, skilled workers.  Below is a graph charting the change in the unemployment rate from February of 2016 to February 2018.

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

Lately, those who have been looking to hire have ended up hiring for character and decided to train a good employee to have the skills required for the job.

Training, has in the past, been something done in the shop, on the job. Our industry's knowledge could almost be considered tribal-passed down from one generation to the next, often verbally. A newcomer to the industry could be confused easily, and there were few written references to refer to when needing to acquire on-the-job information.

Today, training has taken various shapes and forms. Training can be accessed via the web for certain certifications. Also, via organizations like SMACNA and FMA who offer member classes on new products and industry techniques.

Training, while not utilized consistently by most companies, is a way to turn each employee, regardless of current knowledge, into a professional worker.  Training within our industry includes learning sessions at local shops, as well as online webinars. Many times, certifications can be offered at both of these styles of teaching.

Formtek is available, whether it is continuing education of existing employees, new operator training, or even participating in a kaizen event to optimize your existing process, we can support your company's training and improvement initiatives.  You can contact us for more information.