These highly-trained engineers supervise the arrangement of equipment on the facility floor, and then gets to work-- fast – as follows:
And then, to cap their performance, they accurately place and align all the equipment by using the latest available laser alignment technology. Ask them and they’ll tell you: “What a difference this makes to start-up and retrofit speeds – and the ability to stay competitive at all times!”
But that’s not all. The Formtek team doesn’t go home without performing initial start-up adjustments, training local staff on operating procedures, and advising on common maintenance and trouble-shooting techniques. High on the list, as you might guess, is software, as it relates to laser alignment, but also to essential information such as the handling of orders.
State-of-the art alignment technology means goodbye to traditional methods such levels, squares and theodolites. Alignments using lasers can be completed at least 10 times faster. Yes, lasers are here to stay. Today, there’s no other way.