The Formtek Blog

The Benefits of Using Rafted Tooling in Roll Forming Operations

Written by Formtek | September 27, 2023

To optimize their roll forming processes, manufacturers often turn to advanced tooling techniques, with one of the most beneficial being rafts or rafted tooling. Rafted tooling refers to a modular and flexible tooling setup of multiple forming rollers that offers several advantages over traditional fixed tooling configurations. Rafted tooling enhances the roll forming operation in several key ways, making it a preferred choice for many applications. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of using rafted tooling in roll forming operations.

How Rafted Tooling Systems Can Benefit Roll Forming Operations

Increased Productivity: Rafted tooling allows for quick and easy changeovers between different profiles. This flexibility significantly reduces downtime during production runs, resulting in increased productivity. Manufacturers can efficiently switch from one product to another without the need for extensive tooling changes, saving both time and money.

Cost-Efficiency: Rafted tooling can be more cost-effective in the long run. While the initial investment might be higher, the ability to reuse tooling components for different profiles reduces the overall cost of tooling. This means manufacturers can produce a wider range of products without the burden of purchasing entirely new tool sets for each one.

Enhanced Quality Control: Rafted tooling systems are designed with precision in mind. This ensures that the formed profiles meet strict quality standards, resulting in consistently high-quality products. Additionally, the ease of setup and adjustment allows for fine-tuning of the process to achieve the desired tolerances, further improving quality control.

Reduced Material Waste: Rafted tooling minimizes material waste during the setup and changeover processes. With traditional fixed tooling, the setup scrap can be significant, as it takes time to adjust and align the tools properly. Rafted tooling streamlines this process, reducing scrap material and saving resources.

Adaptability: As market demands change, manufacturers need to adapt their product offerings swiftly. Rafted tooling provides the flexibility needed to respond to these changes, allowing for the production of new profiles with minimal lead time. This adaptability is crucial for staying competitive in dynamic industries.

Maintenance and Repairs: Rafted tooling systems are often easier to maintain and repair. Individual tooling components can be replaced or refurbished as needed, reducing downtime and maintenance costs. This is in contrast to fixed tooling, where extensive repairs might require the entire tool set to be taken out of commission.

Improved Safety: Rafted tooling designs often incorporate safety features that protect operators during the roll forming process. This can include enhanced guarding, emergency stop systems, and other safety measures. Prioritizing safety not only protects workers but also reduces the risk of costly accidents.

Consistency in Production: Rafted tooling systems provide a higher level of consistency in production. Once a profile is set up and validated, the chances of producing out-of-spec parts are minimized. This consistency is crucial for meeting customer expectations and maintaining a positive reputation in the market.

Boosting Production and Profits with Rafted Tooling

Rafted tooling offers numerous benefits for roll forming operations. From increased productivity and cost-efficiency to improved quality control and labor savings, these systems provide a competitive edge in today's manufacturing landscape. As industries continue to evolve and demand versatility and efficiency, rafted tooling will likely remain a valuable asset for roll forming manufacturers looking to stay ahead of the curve.